Principal’s Desk

“Education Is Not Preparation For Life But, Education Is Life Itself.”

In the ultimate analysis, all discerning people realize the true value of a good education and the product of a good school commands a certain respect, Such a school must provide a pragmatic, child-centred, all round education, relating academics to the ingredients that make for character development. its curriculum must be related to our environment and transmit our culture, while remaining abreast of modern developments. The promoters of The Pinewood school have opted to do their bit for the cause of education, from purely philanthropic. Coupled with powerful personal convictions.In the belief that there is, in india, a particular need for high caliber schooling, their desire is to establish an exclusive school providing world class education for boys and girls. The school education philosophy aims to provide children with a broad-based, career oriented education, which is student-centered and intensive, so that they grow up to be thinking persons, equipped with the moral and skills to excel in any situation. anywhere in the world.

- Dr.

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