

The school provides an extensive sports and training program well trained personal; help students to polish their skills in the field of athletics, Cricket, Football, badminton, Volleyboll etc.
An annual sports meet is organized in conjunction with other school. Inter house competitors are conducted in each of the various sports, to develop a sporting enviournment.

The school provides an extensive sports and physical education program. Facility included fitness room. a 200 mtr. athletic track and a gymnasium. at present, offer aerobics, tennis, badminton and yoga. Trained coaches from the national institute of sports, patiala are specially hired to render scientifically aided training to childern in cricket, football, tennis, basketball etc.
These coaches will be on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.
An annual sports program has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide. This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter school competitions in each of the various sports, as well as friendly matches against local teams.
A modern appropriately staffed library is located in the academic complex. The growing collection of books and periodical subcription at our library help maintain the child's inter for supplementary knowledge.

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