Chairman’s Desk

“Education Is Not Preparation For Life But, Education Is Life Itself.”

Pinewood is founded by Dr.Mrs.Kamlesh Singh and Mr.Vikram Singh served in the state police Department and traveled after the completion of his service tenure he decided to come back to his home town and help the pepole to up lift the educational standard in the area. He himself was a student of the Meerut University and a exceptional athlete at the national level.

His Wife Dr.Mrs. Kamlesh Singh a student of the pantnagar University, has done M.A., history. they taught both their sons in the best boarding school of the India.

The Doon School and Lawrence School Sanawar. This family has a very good exposure of education a very best available in the country.

They thought it is their duty to raise the standard of education in AMROHA and the surrounding area in 2002 PINEWOOD SCHOOL was founded as a new milestone in the field of education as they could take the level of education to higher standards as with their own experience.

- Dr.Mrs. Kamlesh Singh

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